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TWU Best-In-Class Colleges

TWU Best-In-Class Colleges

We are thrilled to share the exciting news that Tennessee Wesleyan University has been recognized as one of the best baccalaureate colleges in the United States by Best-In-Class Colleges. The new Best-In-Class Colleges ranking considers a range of essential metrics, including student retention, on-time graduation, earnings after college, low debt, and more. It is a testament to the exceptional performance of Tennessee Wesleyan University, compared to its peers in the same class and region.

In most statistical areas, TWU met or exceeded the national average by a substantial margin. For example, TWU enjoys an on-time graduation score of 1.69. This means TWU students graduate at a rate of 69% more than the national average. This number reflects student satisfaction, as the number is affected by the percentage of students who stay all four years. It also reflects the college’s success at admitting those students who will benefit from higher education and supporting them through the entirety of the program. Additionally, TWU students enjoy an Earnings Score: 1.07 and a Good Investment Score: 1.08 These scores, respectively, represent the earnings potential of TWU grads (7% more) and the Good Investment Score considers lifetime earnings (8% more) relative to net tuition and debt.

Overall, Tennessee Wesleyan University produces a positive return on investment, and the score here reflects how this return compares to other colleges in the class and region.

For a complete breakdown of the metrics involved in the rankings visit