Grievance Process and Procedures

Grievance Process & Procedures

The grievance process within this Policy is designed to treat Complainants and Respondents equitably. Remedies are provided to a Complainant where a determination of responsibility for Sexual Harassment has been made against the Respondent and Disciplinary Sanctions are not imposed against a Respondent prior to the completion of the grievance process.

General Grievance Process Information

Burden of Proof and Burden of Gathering Evidence

All investigations and proceedings, including hearings, relating to Sexual Harassment will be conducted using a “preponderance of the evidence” (more likely than not) standard. The burden of proof and the burden of gathering evidence sufficient to reach a determination regarding responsibly rest on TWU, not the parties.

Presumption of Not Responsible

The Respondent is presumed to be not responsible for the alleged conduct until a determination regarding responsibility is made at the end of the grievance process.

Time Frames for Grievance Process

TWU strives to complete the grievance process within one hundred and twenty (120) Business Days. Temporary delays and/or extensions of the time frames within this Policy may occur for good cause. Written notice will be provided to the parties of the delay and/or extension of the time frames with explanation of the reasons for such action. Examples of good cause for delay/extensions include but are not limited to considerations such as the absence of a party, a party’s advisor, or a witness; concurrent law enforcement activity; or the need for language assistance or accommodation of disabilities.

Medical Records

TWU will not access, consider, disclose, or otherwise use party’s records that are that are made or maintained by a physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, or other recognized professional or paraprofessional acting in the professional’s or paraprofessional’s capacity, or assisting in that capacity, and which are made and maintained in connection with the provision of treatment to the party, unless TWU obtains that party’s voluntary, written permission to do so for the grievance process within the Policy.

Privileged Information

TWU will not require, allow, rely upon, or otherwise use questions or evidence that constitute, or seek disclosure of, information protected under a legally recognized privilege, unless the person holding the privilege has waived the privilege.

Range of Disciplinary Sanctions and Remedies

A range of disciplinary sanctions for student respondents can be found in the TWU Student Handbook published on the TWU webpage and available on the TWU app. Sanctions for respondents who are employees can be found in the TWU Employee Handbook.

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