Disability Services
November 29, 2023
2024-02-24 9:46
Disability Services
The Office of Disability Services is committed to meeting students’ accommodations, allowing them equal opportunity for academic success. If you have any questions or concerns, contact Dr. Grant Willhite at either gwillhite@tnwesleyan.edu or 423-746-5236, or Dr. Patricia Ging at either pging@tnwesleyan.edu or 423-746-5237.
The Office of Disability Services at TWU affirms its intent to comply with federal regulations regarding persons with disabilities, specifically with section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and with the Americans with Disabilities Act. The University does not discriminate on the basis of disability in employment or admissions.
It is the responsibility of the student seeking reasonable accommodations consequent to a documented disability to contact the Office of Disability Services to request services for accommodations. The Office will meet with the student to discuss the individual’s disability and the necessary services required.
Any student with a qualifying disability is eligible for reasonable accommodations as determined by the directors of the Office of Disability Services. The student must provide documentation of a qualifying disability. Students are not required to report their disability but must understand that no services will be rendered without a request and proper documentation. An appropriately licensed professional must provide documentation. This documentation must be completed within the last three years. A simple written statement that a student has a disability will not suffice as evidence that a student needs an accommodation. Based on the nature of the disability, a complete psychological evaluation including aptitude and achievement tests may be required. An evaluation must provide specific evidence that the disability exists. Current IEPs, evaluations, and 504 Plans may be provided for review.
Upon review of the documentation provided by the student, the office will assist the student in working with the faculty to secure reasonable accommodations.
Modifications or adjustments, including but not limited to the following, may be made for qualified students with disabilities:
1. Classes may be relocated or rescheduled to reasonably accommodate student with mobility impairments.
2. Alternate methods of testing and evaluation may be made available for students with disabilities that impair their capacity for being tested in standard formats.
3. A medical evaluation of the disability may be required in order to assess the student’s needs.
The directors of the Office of Disability Services will determine what reasonable accommodations will be made for students with disabilities and will forward requests for accommodation to the student’s professors. The University requests that the student provide advance notice, after being accepted to the University, so that the University may plan to meet the student’s need. Reasonable accommodations may not be made without such advance notice. If a student feels that an instructor has not made accommodations, the Vice President for Academic Affairs becomes the contact for complaint.