Honors Day 2024
April 16, 2024 2024-04-24 21:56Honors Day 2024
Honors Day 2024
Tennessee Wesleyan celebrated the academic year with Honors Day on Thursday, April 16. The hard work and dedication of many students and employees was recognized in the annual event.
Awards and recognitions are grouped by academic or administrative unit.
Fine Arts
The William P. Miller Award – Daniel Howell
Initiated by the 1963-1964 Tennessee Wesleyan University Student Government Association in memory of Bill Miller, this award is presented annually to an upper-class choir member, selected by the choir, who has made the most outstanding contribution to the choir.
The Harrilyn C. Sallis Award – Nina Fabiano
This award is presented annually to a deserving member in the music theory class who has made the most progress in theory during the academic year.
The Mrs. Sue Carter Sherman Award – Riley Smith
This award is given annually for outstanding work in music.
The Standing Ovation Award for Career Achievement in Theatre – Dashayla Streeter
This award goes to an outstanding theatre student who has shown the most involvement and skill during their time at TWU.
The Spotlight Award – Timothy Earwood
This award goes to the student who has shown the greatest achievement in acting.
The Golden Gaff Tape Award for Exceptional Work Behind-the-Scenes – Natalie Leonesio
This award goes to a student who has proven the most valuable and dedicated in his or her work behind-the-scenes.
The Communication Studies Award – Baylie Davis
This Award is given annually to the senior who has been an outstanding student in the areas of Media Development, Journalism and Public Relations.

Religion and Philosophy
The Tennessee Wesleyan University Biblical Studies Award – Tatum Ward
This award is presented for outstanding achievement in Biblical Studies.
The Naff Award in Religion and Philosophy – Wayne Gibson
This award is given annually to the student who exhibits outstanding scholarship and leadership in religious and philosophical studies.

Athens Educational Association Award – Emma Ratcliff & Madison Stott
Members of the Athens Education Association have established an annual program of support for an outstanding senior in the Tennessee Wesleyan University education program. The recipient of this prize must have shown outstanding qualifications and be certainly headed for a career in teaching.
McMinn County Retired Teachers Association Award – Carson Hicks
Members of the McMinn County Retired Association choose a recipient each year they considered to be an accomplished teacher.
McMinn County Teachers Association Award – Peyton West
Members of the McMinn County Teachers Association choose the recipient of this award based on overall performance at Tennessee Wesleyan University.
Sherry B. Godsey Award – Paul Kincer
Sherry B. Godsey was a beloved English teacher at McMinn High School. The TWU Education Department chooses a student that will be sure to continue their teaching career and will influence education in their community
Pi Lambda Theta-Educational Honorary Society
This award is given to a student based on their GPA. This year’s recipients are:
- Kobie Etie
- Shelby Sliger
- Madison Stott
- Emma Ratcliff
- Peyton West
- Madilyn Adams
- Carson Hicks
- Turner Mann
- Luke Frazier
- Ella Crowder
- Emily Barnes
- Alyssa Burden
Alpha Delta Kappa-Honorary Society – Shelby Sliger
Members of the Alpha Delta Kappa Honorary Society choose the recipient of this award based on their student teaching performance.

Natural Sciences
The Edmond R. Cox Award for Excellence in Biology – Laia Berne Llordella
This award is presented annually to the Natural Sciences major who has demonstrated outstanding academic achievement of General Biology.
The Joyce R. Baker Award for Excellence in Chemistry – Laia Berne Llordella
Named in honor of Dr. Joyce R. Baker’s career as an educator, this award is conferred upon students who perform at the highest level in General Chemistry.
The Carl B. Honaker and the Bud L. Duncan Senior Award in Chemistry – Ann Sofie Masden
This award is given to the outstanding senior chemistry major.
The Richard M. Johnson Award – Aliyah Collins
This award is presented annually to the senior Biology major who has demonstrated outstanding academic achievement of scientific tradition and philosophy.

Business Administration
The TWU Accounting Award – Kobe Walker
This award is given annually for excellence in Accounting.
The TWU Finance Award – Christina Escrig Castano
This award is given annually for excellence in Finance.
The TWU General Management Award – Ethan Broyles
This award is given annually for outstanding work in General Management.
The TWU Marketing Award – Astrid Staksrud
This award is given annually for the outstanding work in Marketing studies.
The TWU Digital Marketing Award – Pedro de Moraes
This award is given annually for outstanding work in Digital Marketing studies.
The TWU Human Resource Management Award – Bradley Dunkle
This award is given annually for outstanding work in Human Resource Management.
The Management Excellence Award – Kristy Thomasson
This award is given to an outstanding student in the Management Excellence Program.
The Bill “B.T.” Hudson Award for the Most Outstanding Business Student – Juliann Brackett
This award is presented to the student who has the most outstanding work in the Business Department.
The TWU Aspiring Accountant Award – Natasha Boileau
This is a new award given by Mr. Lou Pascarella and is given to an outstanding
student who is progressing towards becoming an accountant.
Business Administration Award in Memory of Allen H. Carter – Nathan Crisp
In memory of Allen H. Carter, this award is given to a rising business major in the
sophomore or junior class. Recipient must hold a 3.0 GPA, reside in McMinn County
and exhibit high character, integrity and community involvement.
Business Administration Award in Honor of Valerie Carter Tipps – Kaylee Brady
In honor of Valerie Carter Tipps, this award is given to a rising business major in the sophomore and junior class. Recipient must hold a 3.0 GPA, reside in McMinn County and exhibit high character, integrity and community involvement.
Business Administration Award in Memory of Dan Fisher – Olivia Sargla
This award is given in memory of Mr. Dan Fisher to an outstanding business major.

Social Sciences
The Jeffrey Barnes Memorial Service Award – Jayden Jones
This award is given annually to a student member of the Criminal Justice Club for exemplary service.
The Criminal Justice Excellence Award – Logan Wicker
This award is given annually to a graduating senior who has demonstrated the highest academic excellence in Criminal Justice.
The Annual “Mr. T” Thompson Award – Wayne Gibson
In honor of his 35 years of loyal service to Tennessee Wesleyan University, this award is given to an outstanding Social Science student who goes “above and beyond” in commitment to education and in service to others.
The Jane Addams Award – Jennifer Medrano
In honor of Jane Addams – Social Worker, Humanitarian, Social Activist, and Nobel Peace Prize recipient in 1931 who studied social problems in a scientific manner. This award is presented to an outstanding student in Sociology and Social Work.
The Horizon Award
This award is given to a rising social science student who has exhibited academic
- Adam Adair
- Brianna Sovastion
- Michelle Gambill
The William James Psychology Award – Diana White
This award is given to the outstanding student in Psychology. The selection is based upon academic achievement and the judgement of the psychology family.
Phi Alpha Honor Society
Induction of New Members of Phi Alpha Honor Society into the Chi Tau Chapter granted membership November 24, 2021, at Tennessee Wesleyan University; an honor society for social work students dedicated to excellence in scholarship and high professional standards. Phi Alpha Graduating Members 2023-2024:
- Danielle Pilkey
- Allie Wilson
- Emmaleigh McDaniel

The Mr. & Mrs. George Yates Award – Asier Pascual de Zulueta
This award is given annually to the student making the best record as a freshman in Mathematics.
The L & M Motors Mathematics Award – Kobie Etie
This award is given annually to the senior Mathematics major that has done outstanding work in Mathematics.
The Jane Bowling Kennerly Award – Kobie Etie
This award is given in memory of Jane Bowling Kennerly who dedicated her life to education and research. This award honors her as a teacher, dedicated educator and friend of Tennessee Wesleyan University. The recipient has been selected on the basis of their leadership on the campus of TWU and evidence of their possible future contribution as a teacher of mathematics.

The Health and Human Performance Award – Ashley Linn
This award goes to the outstanding junior or senior majoring in Exercise Science,
Physical Education, Pre-Physical Therapy, Pre-Occupational Therapy, Public Health or Sport Management who exemplifies the highest standards in academics, service to the community, community involvement and leadership qualities.

English and Modern Languages
Springs of Helicon Awards
The university’s literary magazine annually gives awards for outstanding creative
work in the areas of literature and artwork.
Literature: Major Frerichs
Art: Joelle Bixby
The Outstanding English Major Award – Tatum Ward
This award is given annually to the senior English major who has done outstanding work in English.
Sigma Tau Delta Inductees 2022-2023
Recognition of new members of the Alpha Epsilon Gamma- Chapter of the International English Honor Society. Sigma Tau Delta members must have completed a minimum of two college courses in English language or literature beyond the usual requirements in freshman English, Must have a minimum of a B equivalent average in English and general scholarship and must have completed at least three semesters or five quarters of college course work.
The new members of Sigma Tau Delta are:
- Sydney Allen
- Major Frerichs
- Christian Jackson
- Josie Mitchell
- Katen Wall

Student Government Association
The Jeffrey L. Barnes Service Award – Madison Stott
This award is presented by the student body for modeling the qualities of Jeff Barnes by promoting campus spirit, creating sense of community, and assisting the Student Government Association and TWC community.
The Jim Thompson Service Awards
These awards are presented annually by the Student Government Association to a
deserving member of the faculty and staff.
Faculty: Augustin Bocco
Staff: Harley Stickney
The Ann Vaught Dougherty Award – Dashayla Streeter
This award is presented by the Student Government in memory of Ann Vaught Dougherty to a member of the SGA, elected by SGA, for outstanding service to the TWC student body.
The Dr. Floyd “Jack” Bowling Award – Bevin Harrill
This award is presented by the student body for modeling the qualities of Dr. Bowling through Leadership, Academic Success, Exemplary Service, and Loyalty to Tennessee Wesleyan University.
The Balfour Award – Ashleigh Turner and Major Frerichs
This award is given to outstanding male and female juniors whose work is characterized for loyalty, scholarship and leadership.
The Raymond A. Grant Civic Scholarship Award – Hannah Everhart
To honor a community leader, friend, educator, and mentor of local youth, the Raymond A. Grant Civic Scholarship was established by Allen Carter, a member of the university’s Board of Trustees. Ray Grant has selflessly and quietly impacted the lives of many youth in our region for many years, including that of Mr. Carter’s. The recipient of this scholarship must demonstrate exemplary leadership and service at the university and in the community while maintaining a 3.0 GPA or higher.

Student Ambassadors
Student Ambassadors represent Tennessee Wesleyan University by assisting the office of admissions with campus events, conducting group tours, visits and other various functions. The following students were selected to serve as ambassadors to the university for the 2017-2018 academic year based off of an application and interview process. Tennessee Wesleyan University is very appreciative of your dedication and hard work in promoting the university and helping secure the legacy for the students that will follow.
Alexandra Ballew
Caleb Rhodes
Brooklyn Ingram-Nelson
Caroline Wear
Chaggie Bassar
Adolpho Nicolas Vasquez
Gracelyn Jackson
Alyssa Hall
Jaycee Whitaker
Amya Sutton
Keasia Hogan
Andras Bailey
Marisol Mejia-Guzman
Michael Fuchs
Olivia Sargla
Elijah Lovelady
Ryan Pope
Yenifar Martinez
The TWU Volunteer of the Year Award
These awards will be presented to a freshman, sophomore, junior and senior students involved in the Servant Leadership program who tracks the most volunteer/service-learning hours during the academic year. This year’s recipients are:
Freshman: Ashley Messina
Sophomore: Kylie Buchanan
Junior: Christian Jackson
Senior: Bevin Harrill

Center for Servant Leadership Awards
Outstanding Volunteer Service Hours Award
This award is given students who volunteer significant service hours during the
academic year. The awards are ranked according by the number of service hours.
Please come to the stage as your name is called.
The Platinum Service Award is given to students who have performed over 50 hours of service. The student receiving the Platinum Service Award is Christian Jackson.
The Gold Service Award is given to students who have performed 25-50 hours of service. The students receiving the Gold Service Award are:
Bevin Harrill
Ellie Hight
Emily Heatherly
Tessa Lewis
McKinley Tyson
Carly Shadrick
Allison White
Lily Tibbets
Alyssa Bridges
Laia Roch Font
Ashlee Caron
Keely McDonald
Reece Cunningham
Kylie Buchanan
The Silver Service Award is given to students who have performed 15-25 hours of service. The students receiving the Silver Service Award are:
Ashley Messina
Karanna Silcox-Bailey
Kyndra Randolph
Stonie Fox
Cadie Prater
Madilyn Adams
Camryn Smith
Autumn Bowen
Grace Patton
Hannah Brooks
Caroline Tindell
Alyssa Burden
Allison Jarbeau
Kristian Majors
Elise Kile
Emma Ratcliff
Outstanding Student Organization Volunteer Award – Sigma Kappa
This award is given annually to the student organization who makes the greatest service impact in the TWU and Athens community.
Faculty Awards
New Faculty Incentive Award – Jeannie Long and Kelsey Taylor
This award recognizes excellence in teaching for a first-year faculty member.
Excellence in Teaching and Scholarship Award – William Murray
This award goes to the faculty member exhibiting excellence in teaching as well as
Scholarly pursuits.
Curriculum Leadership Award – Martha Maddox Anne Montgomery, and Stacy Swafford
This award recognizes outstanding achievement in the design and delivery of innovative academic programs.
The Alton L. Smith Award for Academic Advising –
This award is presented annually to the faculty who has done an outstanding job of advising students academically during the year.
The Deane G. Hall Award – Sharon Brown
This award goes to a full-time teacher who has been on the Tennessee Wesleyan University faculty for a minimum of three years. The selection is made by a vote of the faculty based on performance of the teacher as to effectiveness with students, intellectual integrity, imagination in presentation of subject matter, and enthusiasm in the general learning process.
The Lockmiller Teacher of the Year – Mali Hubert
The Lockmiller Teacher of the Year award was established by the Lockmiller family. This award is based on effective teaching, student counseling, research and publications, and campus leadership. The Teacher of the Year is selected by the faculty.

Staff Awards
Aramark/TWU Staff Member of the Year – Jamie Key
This award is presented annually to an Aramark staff member working at the university who is considered, by vote of TWU Aramark staff members, to have made essential contributions to the efficiency and/or effectiveness of their department through their initiatives or ideas which have helped improve the overall image of the university.
James Sherman Facilities Award – Susan Dugger
This award is presented annually to a National staff member working at the university who is considered, by vote of TWU National staff members, to have made essential contributions to the efficiency and/or effectiveness of their department through their initiatives or ideas which have helped improve the overall image of the university.
New Staff Member Award – Tracey Hennessee
This award is presented annually to a member new to the university staff who is considered, by vote of TWU staff members, to have made essential contributions to the efficiency and/or effectiveness of their department through their new initiatives or ideas which have helped improve the overall image of the university.
President’s Cabinet Award – Kelly Martin
This award is presented annually to a member of the TWU staff who is considered,
by vote of the President’s Cabinet to have displayed extraordinary commitment, dedication, hard work, loyalty and dependability to the University.
The Flame Award – Matt Sullivan
This award is presented annually to a member of the TWU staff who is considered, by vote of his or her peers, as having done an outstanding job in supporting and promoting Tennessee Wesleyan University.

Incoming SGA Officers
President: Allison White
Vice President: Brooklyn Ingram
Secretary: Emily Malick
Treasurer: Fallon Jones

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