Elementary Education
November 25, 2023 2024-11-25 13:56Elementary Education
Studying at TWU prepares you for the career you want with experience employers are looking for

Program Description
The elementary education degree at TWU is intended for those who want to teach students from approximately 5 to 11 years old, with licensure opportunity in K-5th grade.
Students will learn how to use classroom management procedures, develop lesson plans, use researched-based programs to teach children, incorporating instructional technology.
It’s more than just learning to teach, however, as students see how family, school, and community working together affect and develop children.
Career Opportunities
Elementary education majors with licensure will be able to teach in the state of Tennessee any grades between Kindergarten and 5th grade.
The degree also begins the path to administrative and leadership positions in education, or specialized positions like instructional coach.
State Recognized Partnerships
Tennessee Wesleyan University’s Educator Preparation Program (EPP) holds partnership agreements with the following districts.
Alcoa City Schools
Anderson County Schools
Athens City Schools
Bledsoe County Schools
Bradley County Schools
Cleveland City Schools
Cumberland County Schools
Dayton City Schools
Etowah City Schools
Hawkins County Schools
Lenoir City Schools
Loudon County Schools
McMinn County Schools
Meigs County Schools
Monroe County Schools
Oak Ridge Schools
Rhea County Schools
Sweetwater City School District
Washington County Schools
Questions about State Recognized Partnership Agreements may be directed to:
Melanie Amburn, Ed.S.
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